Monday, June 8, 2009

Simple Plan!

What can we do to improve the conditions in Pakistan? Can we do anything? Can we make any difference at all? Frankly, I don’t know. But here is something to think about.

One of the most common and trusted ways to gauge the development of a country is the Human Development Index. Below, I have compared a country’s HDI and the voter turnout in its last elections.

Country HDI Voters Turnout
Australia 0.965 95%
Iceland 0.968 89%
Norway 0.968 81%
Ireland 0.960 74%
Japan 0.956 71%
Thailand 0.786 74%
India 0.609 58%
Pakistan 0.562 45%
Niger 0.370 45%
Chad 0.389 52%

I am not saying that this relationship between HDI and Voter turnout is constant throughout the world. In fact a few countries like Rwanda have extremely high turnout and still score dismally low on the HDI. However, in most of such cases, the turnout statistics are highly dubious.

My point is simple. Think all you want. Try to do something unique to improve the country, sure. But first things first. At least go out and vote. At least express your opinion. Or do you want people like Zardari in the President House forever? Don’t act like the Momin who ignores prayers but keeps looking for a miraculous rise in spirituality, who doesn’t give a damn about his neighbour but wants a non-stop ticket to heaven. Let’s wake up.