Monday, November 12, 2007


It is not E-TV as in E-mail, E-card or E-transaction or lots of other Es that we are surrounded by. This is my wish come true, it has not been even a month since my first blog “Television! Television! Television!” was written and E-published (on places where only I read them), it seems that my dearest president of Pakistan his highness Mr. Musharaf not only read it, but took E-action and imposed the E-mergency. And all my nagging complaints were put to rest.

E-TV is great everyone loves everyone, a lot of progress in our country especially in Punjab is highlighted, and most importantly it covers the truth. No seriously the exact words are “We don’t break the news. We cover the truth” imagine! I love the long term vision of E-TV it is very simple yet deep, convert I-diots to E-diots (I know it sounds more like converting a Mac user to a Vista user which is not easy by any means). But this is the challenge and I have full faith in my Leader that he will succeed, because he is not throwing punches in the air like most of the I-diots, he has a complete plan laid out. A plan that has no grey areas either you’re an “I” or an “E”. If you choose to remain an “I” your plugs will be pulled no one will know why or where you are acting funny since E-TV will be covering the truth. And temptation to convert is so E-conomic that it only makes sense to do so.

Hopefully all the I-diots will realize that in these dangerous times they had I-nstigated so much of chaos that E-mergency was the only thing left for the president and his entourage to stay E-conomically safe. And I am sure most of the I-diots would have done the same if they had the power. With time things change and change is I-nconvenient, it is time to sign the E-paper to run the E-comerce and become an EEEEEEEEWW (the last two “Ws” where a typo).

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