Monday, March 16, 2009

Teein Dhuz!

Oh my god what a turn of events. I guess I shouldn’t have slept so early, for better or for worse it seems the long awaited long march is over. Isloites have lost out on all the action, Imran Khan never got the chance to show his moves, the worst reality show of all time ended without a spectacular ending. As a nation we seem to like each other now & quickly trying to forget the past to go into the future. 

Only time will tell that what will change & what will remain the same. I will as always would shy away from commenting on rights and wrongs of it. But would hope that this kind of protests never happen again and we become a nation who can convey our opinions/thoughts through our votes and are able to control our leaders in the comfort of our homes as opposed to be blown away by tear gas in the streets.

That can only happen if ever we can actually understand the whys and whats of all this. At this point I am not sure if we do.    

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