Thursday, March 26, 2009

We're not Making Any Sense!

Below, I have mentioned some aspects of our everyday life. I request anyone with more knowledge and wisdom to please explain how these patterns of behaviour make any sense, because I surely cannot understand them.

  1. We routinely criticize our society and claim that the majority (if not everyone except ourselves) is uncivilized, selfish and stupid. At the same time we refrain from doing a number of things we want to do, and also stop others from following their hearts’ desires by simply saying “What will the people say?” Viewed together, the two concepts mean that we do not act according to our will because we are afraid of disapproval from a bunch of uncivilized, selfish and stupid people.
  1. We ignore the finer things in life, spending our time wholly on the pursuit of more. More money, better office, higher status, more power and argue that we are doing it for our children, so they do not have to worry about these things in their life. At the same time, we insist that our children work hard in their life and as an incentive, show them that they will achieve the exact same things. Any child who refuses to comply and instead enjoys the riches accumulated by his parents is considered to be a spoilt and worthless individual. In turn, the children spend their lives in much the same manner and claim to be doing so for their children. I fail to understand where the generation that might be the actual beneficiary of this meaningless hard work is.
  1. We take no interest in natural beauty and even such simple leisurely pursuits as walking and instead bury ourselves in our efforts to become more successful and richer. And then, we spend a part of that money buying televisions and treadmills so that we can walk on a machine and watch a fake picture of natural beauty while doing it.
  1. Anyone who has a habit of visiting certain areas to watch young beauties dance to melodious music is considered the worst kind of individual. However, it is acceptable to watch much worse dances and related acts on the television screens. In fact anyone objecting to such shows is labeled a fundamentalist and narrow minded person.
  1. We hate people who are habitual liars and hence cannot be trusted, but we feel no pangs of conscience lying about our whereabouts on the telephone or even asking someone to tell the caller that we are not around.
  1. We consider anyone who knows less than us on a subject a fool and anyone who exhibits knowledge greater than us, pretentious.
  1. Anyone going faster than us on the road is a maniac and anyone going slower is a moron.

The list can go on for ages. I feel these examples show the paradoxical and senseless way in which we perceive and spend our lives. We don’t have double standards; sometimes I feel that we don’t have any standards at all. I would welcome anyone who disagrees with me and convinces me otherwise. In fact he/she would be making my life much more comfortable.

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