Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Name-Masoom, Profession-Suicide Bomber!

Here I am with another appeal to all the experts who know much more than I do about how things work in this world. A report in today’s papers states that the intelligence agencies have forewarned the law enforcement authorities that 18 terrorists have entered Lahore in the past few days. The agencies have further warned that the said terrorists are likely to target important personalities, sensitive installations and public places and have suggested that security in these places be beefed up. It has also been stated by the said agencies that the terrorists will use an ambulance and two double cabin vehicles for these attacks.

This was also a part of news bulletins on certain channels yesterday and I have come across a number of such reports on TV and in newspapers over the past couple of years. With my limited (or none at all) knowledge, I don’t know whether to cry my eyes out or laugh my head off at these.

First, the funny part (though I admit that finding anything funny about the possibility of terrorist attacks is a little sick). After all, how intelligent can these agencies be! Imagine, telling you that certain terrorists are planning to strike a major city of Pakistan and explaining that their target will be either an important personality, a sensitive installation or a public place. Phew! Thank God that rules out a suicide attack on my kitchen. Talk about stating the obvious. It has also been suggested that security at these places be beefed up. So, basically they are suggesting that security at all places be beefed up, since I have not heard of much security at any place that does not fall into one of the above categories.

Now, the serious question; I request anyone with any knowledge on the subject to please tell me what in the world do these reports mean?

How do the intelligence agencies know the exact number of terrorists entering a certain province or city? How do they know the exact number and type of vehicles that they intend to use for their heinous designs? How do they know the probable targets of these attacks? And if they know all this, why the hell don’t they know the location of these people and why don’t they catch them and remove the threat once and for all? I mean a report that “certain” terrorists might have entered a city and might attack a certain place makes sense. But the exact number and their exact methods? That seems like a load of bullshit.

It seems as if the intelligence agencies have their teams stationed at the gates of all cities and these teams give out forms so that all people entering the gates fill out their details. The teams also seem to have a way of making sure everyone tells the truth so a terrorist always writes down “Terrorist” in the profession column.

I will not comment further on this practice. I will wait for an explanation that enlightens me.

1 comment:

  1. To understand how things work, presume that you are the mastermind of a terrorist organization. You assign various tasks to agents that have the required capability.
    You will also want to keep the operation secret. So, you will brief an agent only about his own task, not about what others are to do.
    Now, suppose I am at the other end, the head of an intelligence agency. I succeed in recruiting an agent or two in your organization. They contact me to tell about the tasks assigned to them. Obviously, I do not have your complete plan. Still, I pass on to the authorities whatever I have learned, in the hope that their preventive measures will somehow defeat your plan. There is no time to wait for full details that may never reach me anyway.
    If I somehow have the entire information, the plan will be foiled and all operatives will be arrested quietly. There will be no news report in the media to cause you worry, or confusion.
