Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Cheap Coolness!

Environment is the second biggest concern and challenge that our generation is facing and if not cured today it will be something that will hurt us badly in the coming years. There is a lot that we can do to at least minimize the deterioration on a personal level. But living in Pakistan I have met only a handful of people who are actually willing to compromise their lifestyle just to help resolve this issue. For most of us it is just not a priority or may be it’s not so cool to care.

Speaking of cool there is a large number of people in Pakistan who are benefitting the environment just by driving their cars on CNG as opposed to petrol. However, the main intent is to save money, not to reduce emissions, & this fact is what makes it so un cool. Only cheap college students and people with too many family members drive on CNG not cool people.

Miley Cyrus the teenage pop sensation just bought a black Prius a hybrid car made by Toyota and not a Porsche or a Ferrari because these days in west it is cool to do so media and celebrities make compromises look cool. Why didn’t we position our unaware CNG drvers as the IN CROWD. Or maybe during this year declared by our government as the year for environment we can do something, its never to late.

As of right now I drive on petrol because I think that I am cool (as ice since have a diesel burning machine as wellL).      

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