Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Justice is the most fundamental of human rights and injustice the cause of all trouble. A head of state must be a just man, though we, in Pakistan would probably settle for someone who is just a man (at least).


Mr. Asif Ali Zardari is on a visit to Peshawar where, today he announced a relief package for the Tribal areas. In his address to the tribal jirga in Governor House, Peshawar, he stated that 610 tribals have been killed during the war on (t)error. I presume that he missed a zero somewhere in that figure. He announced a package of 280 million rupees for the area. If I have my calculations correct, this amounts to about 3.5 million dollars which comes to about $5,810 for each person killed (even if the death toll quoted by the co-chairman is taken to be accurate).


Compare this to the amount of money and power one person gained from another person killed on 27-12-2007. This is not justice, Mr. President. 

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