Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Teaching How To!

A couple of days back a friend of mine was collecting money for a person who came to him for help. I offered to pitch in a thousand rupees however, the interesting thing about his fundraising was that one could not contribute more than hundred rupees. Idea being not burden donors and also to make as many people possible to be a part of this effort. At the end of the day he managed to raise enough to buy a filled fruit cart to that person, so he can immediately start working and begin to sustain himself.

More or less the Zakat concept, which got me thinking that the trend of dispersing Zakat that I see around me is more of giving charity to hospitals, orphanage etc. which is good too. But we hardly focus on making the recipients self sustainable.

Should we consider encouraging more spending on sustainable help as opposed to quick fixes? You know the teaching how to fish thing……     

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